Friday, September 24, 2010

Konsep Penerbangan Murah sambil Berdiri?? Solusinya setengah Duduk separuh Berdiri [Foto + Video]

Konsep Penerbangan Murah sambil Berdiri?? Solusinya setengah Duduk separuh Berdiri [Foto + Video]. Ketatnya persaingan antar maskapai membuat business plan di bisnis aviasi musti kreatif dalam merancang marketing plan, hal itu pulalah yang dirancang oleh maskapai Ryanair mengusung konsep penerbangan murah. Bagaimana dengan ruang yang sama namun bisa memuat penumpang lebih banyak. Akhirnya dibuatlah konsep penerbangan berdiri.

Konsep Penerbangan Murah sambil Berdiri?? Solusinya setengah Duduk separuh Berdiri [Foto + Video]

Ryanair merancang sebuah konsep penerbangan murah dengan berdiri

Jangan Anda bayangkan naik penerbangan berdiri yang dimaksud penumpang bergelantungan seperti di metromini atau busway. Melainkan Ryanair merancang kursi berdiri buat penumpangnya. dan ini diperhitungkan bakal bisa menambah jumlah kursi dibandingkan model kursi duduk seperti yang lazim sekarang ini.

Seperti yang dimuat di harian Telegraph yang dikutip harga satu tiket dijual dengan harga sangat murah, hanya 5 poundsterling atau sekitar Rp67 ribu. Kepala eksekutif Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, akan mengajukan proposal “area berdiri” tersebut hari ini waktu setempat, Kamis, 1 Juli 2010. Area berdiri dengan “kursi vertikal” itu akan disediakan di bagian belakang 250 armada pesawat.

Dengan penerbangan berdiri kapasitas pesawat lebih banyak dan hargapun dapat lebih murah

Yang unik lagi dengan konsep mengurangi biaya ini adalah, di penerbangan ini para penumpang wajib membayar bila mau ke toilet, jadi tidak seperti sekarang dimana toilet di dalam pesawat tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis. Mungkin penumpang bisa mengantisipasi untuk ke toilet ketika dibandara sebelum berangkat atau setelah turun nantinya, asal bisa nahan aja, kalau nggak kan bisa gawat.

Mungkin bila berdirinya seperti ini bisa lebih murah lagi

Penerbangan ini memang dirancang bukan untuk penerbangan jarak jauh melainkan hanya penerbangan dengan durasi waktu yang pendek. Bagi Anda yang mungkin terbiasa berdiri di buskota katakanlah dari Bogor ke Priok naik bus berdiri selama 1 jam mungkin sudah pernah Anda alami.

Anggap saja naik pesawat nantinya Jakarta Surabayaberdiri satu jam dengan tarif sangat murah setara dengan tarif taksi dari Monas menuju Senen misalnya. Wah bakal banyak yang bepergian luar kota kalau diberlakukan disini.


Penerbangan Setengah DUDUK Separuh BERDIRI???

SADDLE SEAT!!! KURSI PELANA KUDA kaleee wkwkwkkkk..




SKYRIDER!! The new “saddle” seat, to be unveiled at a conference this week, increases the number of seats an airline can have in its economy class. The design, named the “SkyRider”, allows just 23 inches of legroom, which is about seven inches less than the average seat’s space of 30 inches.

Shaped similar to a horse saddle, passengers sit at an angle, with their weight taken on by their legs. It allows seats to be overlapped. The seats would also offer storage space including a shelf for carry-on bags and hooks to hang a jacket or a handbag.

The makers say the seat would allow budget airlines, such as Ryanair, to cram more passengers into their tight cabins. The seat, designed by Italian design firm Aviointeriors Group, based in Latina, in the country’s south-west, is to be unveiled this week at the Aircraft Interiors Expo Americas conference in Long Beach, California.

SKYRIDER!! SADDLE SEAT!! Terbang serasa duduk di PELANA KUDA!! wkwkwkkkk..

Approval would also be required from the US Federal Aviation Administration to radically modify the seating in an American-built Boeing. But while the designers claim it does not affect passenger comfort, they say it would only be suitable for flights of up to three hours.

“We feel extremely confident that this concept will … have great appeal to airlines for economic purposes,” Dominique Menoud, the company’s director general, told USA Today. “For flights anywhere from one to possibly even up to three hours … this would be comfortable seating.

SKY RIDER!! SADDLE SEAT!! Terbang serasa duduk di PELANA KUDA!! wkwkwkkkk..

“The seat … is like a saddle. Cowboys ride eight hours on their horses during the day and still feel comfortable in the saddle.” The company added that the seat, which is in its final stage of testing, had been “designed and engineered to offer the possibility to even further reduce ticket prices while still maintaining sound profitability”.

Ryanair, the Irish low-cost carrier, has previously said it would let passengers stand during flights if the Irish Aviation Authority granted permission. In July, Ryanair announced plans to operate flights where passengers stand during the journey at a cost of just £5 per ticket.

SKY RIDER!! SADDLE SEAT!! Terbang serasa duduk di PELANA KUDA!! wkwkwkkkk..

Michael O’Leary, the budget airline’s controversial chief executive, suggested the Irish airline may soon carry a number of “vertical seats”. But the latest idea has already been dismissed by safety officials.

The European Aviation Safety Agency, in Cologne, Germany, said the plans were “highly unlikely” to meet stringent safety approval. “To our knowledge, no airlines or other operators have made an application for stand-up seats,” a spokesman said.

“What they are proposing would be unprecedented and highly unlikely to be certified in the near future.” No approval has been granted. Mr Menoud said if a carrier committed to the new design his company would apply for the proper certification. He claimed several airlines had expressed interest although he did not name the companies.

Video Youtube ‘Skyrider’ Seat Fits More Passengers in Planes
Video Youtube ‘Skyrider’ Seat Fits More Passengers in Planes

sumber : dan

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